Institutions & Associations

Institutions' Section

The lack of a common language and the misunderstandings related to cultural differences may alter or even interrupt communication. Therefore, ICVolunteers offers a linguistic service, with a community interpreting department, to provide individuals with clear and effective discussions.

The MigraLingua Program, along with its community interpreting service, helps migrants to gain access to institutions and associations, and provides them with necessary steps into social integration. The priority areas targeted by our project encourage migrants to play their role in the receiving country daily life and achieve greater autonomy.

Our Program

This service acts as a complementary benefit to the services proposed by institutions and organizations. Overall, the MigraLingua project includes three main axes:

Contact us

If our community interpreting program is of your interest, we invite you to fill in our online registration form and/or contact us by phone +41 22 800 14 36.

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